Professional Profile:
Computer Aided Services Nitron Inc. Transducer Technologies Electronic Arrays VanMed Sterling Technologies |
Aware, Inc. Aprogenex Texas Guaranty Bank Ameriway Bank University Savings Avport |
Digital Pathways Votrax Inc. Dalsat Inc. Pi Electronics Health Care News |
Currently: Lecturer, writer and consultant to start-up technology
1998 - 2004: Radio talk show host of Lift-off To Logic and
Chairman, Texas Aerospace Commission.
1986 - 1998: The Genesis Fund; Founder/Managing General Partner
A $16 million venture capital pool and UNCO Ventures, a $3 million SBIC, making equity investments
in early stage, technology oriented companies. Returned 14 percent on equity.
1979 - 1986: The Capital Group; Founder
A private investment firm catering to the particular needs of non-resident investors. The firm
engaged in venture capital activities, addressed the financial needs of start-up and development
phase companies and engaged in the acquisition of investment property.
1972 - 1984: Investor and Entrepreneur
One small business start-up, capitalized with $1,000, grew to annual revenues in excess of $1
million. Organizer of two national bank charters. Outside director of a number of technology based
companies. Residential and commercial real estate investor.
1976 - 1979: 3D International; Senior Vice President and Director
President of the Engineering Division of this international architectural, engineering, and project
management firm, with extensive operations in the Middle East. Effected a successful turn-around
through modern management techniques. Grew to five disciplines and 165 engineers.
1974 - 1976: Hydrotech Development Company; President
An offshore engineering company, manufacturing a proprietary line of sub-sea pipeline connectors
with extensive operations in the North Sea.. Managed the preliminary design of an unmanned, remotely
operated, pipeline repair system for use at water depths of 4,000 feet.
1971 - 1974: Century Development Corporation; Senior Vice President
Responsible for the Operations, Legal and Administrative divisions, 5 million square feet of
commercial properties and three service companies providing maintenance, parking and security
1968 - 1971: NASA; Chief, Skylab Branch of the Astronaut Office
Coordinated the operational development, system integration and habitability of all Skylab Space
Station hardware including 5 manned space modules, 2 launch vehicles and 56 major experiments.
Skylab was the first manned space application of photo-voltaic electric power, inertial storage
devices for attitude control and molecular sieves for environmental control.
1963 - 1971: NASA; Astronaut.
Second civilian Astronaut. Pilot on Apollo 7, the first manned mission of the Apollo Program. Played
a key role in all aspects of manned space flight including training, planning, systems design,
testing operational support, space flight, analysis of results, program management, and public
1960 - 1963: The RAND Corporation; Physicist.
Engaged in operations research on intelligence satellite data and performed studies of the earth's
magnetosphere and classified projects for the Department of Defense.
1951-1976: U.S. Marine Corps; Active and Reserve Components.
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps - Retired, with 4,500 hours pilot time, including 263 hours in